
By Ali12001

A view from my bed

I don't have any photos to sum up my day so it'll have to be my current view which is...

My bedroom, or more accurately my drawers and door! I love my bed, my space, my stuff used to be my little sanctuary..until I had kids.

Now, come the wee early hours of the morning (anytime from 2ish or some nights earlier) this bedroom door is silently opened and my 2yr old daughter creeps in and clambers over me, into the middle, ensuring she spreads herself out as much as possible to assume the starfish position. I always awaken to either her foot or arm hitting me in the face and precariously balanced on the edge of the bed!

Whilst, I look forward to the day she spends all night in her own bed, I try to enjoy these moments and know I will look back on this time with fond memories :-)

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