Out of the woods

By Ulrike


Siri is taking all this fuzz with a ladylike calm.

Working with payroll for some 200.000 people, many of them essential jobs like police, my job is viewed as essential, too. So half of my colleagues are working from home while the rest is at the office, to spread the risk of contagion.
So, the last days were crazy with nervous customers who also work from home but have more limited technical resources, juggling communication through email, phonecalls, video, chat and in person, and having a lot of urgent cases since we are close to april payroll starting next week.
Having a tv-program yesterday with a researcher calling to arms since the government isn't doing enough and scaring every one with "death tolls into the thousands", comparing coronavirus to the second world war, did not help since some of my colleagues got really spooked and could not speak of anything else for hours.
But I am rather proud of my team. We are starting to get the hang of it, we are helping where we can and are mostly calm and controlled. We support each other, being home or at the office, and even have a laugh or two. We are having tons of things to do and it will get worse, but we are optimistic to get through this together.
Coming home to Lars (who is ordered to stay home) and the two furries (who are all the therapy I need with their purrs and biscuitmaking and being their normal cat self) helps a lot :-)

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