Locked down littlies

A mix of a day...I think we've decided not to make Asha do aaaalllll the work school are setting - there's just too much!! I felt like this time was going to be such an opportunity to invest in her and do things together, but school work has meant that's not the case! So Danny's going to email the teacher and let him know we'll do x amount of hours a day and then focus on different things. 
So, after a morning working (and then evening too!), we made a mystery cake - no recipe and no scales, ha! We threw in all sorts...from avocado, to nuts and seeds, to dried fruit, to spices....it actually turned out really well - very tasty. Unfortunately the nature of a mystery cake means it's unrepeatable! Ha!
It was a struggle keeping Nate stimulated and happy today - he needs to run around in the fresh air really. But we made the most of it and created various games, including head basketball with the washing basket on someone's head whilst the others attempted to get a ball into it. Plus we did a family HIIT session - hilarious with Nate who enjoyed making it as challenging as possible! 
We've had a few brilliant FaceTimes today - they've cheered the day up no end. And of course the 8pm cheering - each night it gets louder...

An extra of Nate getting ready to launch a ball at me...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Your warm welcome to Asha on blip - thankyou so much!
2) FaceTime fabulousness.
3) The fun of exercising together as a family.

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