What has happened in my Easter egg storage???

Another emergency situation, but Smurfs seem to have issues of their own. They maybe can not imagine that the egg was broken by me!

Extremely busy work day, still via remote access and actually surprisingly nice and quite smoothly working through video conference meetings. I wonder for how long this will continue, but I hope that this situation will soon calm down and we all adapt to the life as it have to be now.
The cost of this virus will worldwide be enormous. I wonder if I we ever really will find out where or how this Corona virus developed, but surely it will turn our future into new direction.

Anyway we decided to have a fast lunch in sushi restaurant of the small mall of this suburban, me and hubby. Also some our colleagues were there now as it still offers lunches. I bet this small sushi restaurant will have to close soon, as the owner lady told that they already have problems to get ingredients. Of course we all understand, that an open table served sushi, is not a situation, that can run too long now, even though Finnish known areas affected by the Corona virus are still far from here.

Washing our mice smelling carpets today in laundromat in the evening. I think they smell now nice. So it was worth to wash them. The storage where mice nest was found has to wait for weekend. I really am not too eager to wash everything after works....


Ps. The amount of tested contaminations in Finland is 359 today. Not everybody with symptoms are tested anymore. Only Healthcare personell and people with serious symptoms.

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