
It all became very real today.  We had to cancel a family holiday - it was the right thing to do but these things are precious to us so it was hard.  We got a sense of the strain on our daughters and their families as they dealt with their changing lives as the certainties of a few weeks ago are pulled from them; one works for the NHS and we feel for her and the frightening challenges ahead.  An immediate future with reduced time with our grandchildren is a bleak future.  How do you explain to a 4 year old that the world he is coming to terms with is not the world he will live in for the next while; and his birthday trip on Friday will not happen?
I went to the local supermarket for a little shopping - no potatoes, no onions, no bananas - in fact, very little fruit and veg.   No bread, no meat, ..... and with lots of notices up announcing customer rations.  People are not at their best at the moment.
Tomorrow we shall have to move towards acceptance and live a different sort of life for a while.

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