Quarantine Cookies

The official 'shelter in place' order came through last night. Scared the Bejeezus out of me since it was a loud attention-getting siren usually used for evacuations and floods. I'm still getting my head around the fact that the current crisis is the exact opposite. We can go outside as long as we maintain social distancing but everything except essential services is being shut down. Alas, going outside is unappealing because it is cold and rainy. The order is in effect for three weeks after which I'm sure evaluations will be made. There will be lots of creative interpretations made about what constitutes  sheltering in place, and with whom, but given our advanced age and decrepitude, and the fact that Dana and Jim are still under quarantine, we don't even get to visit with the grandsons. 

There are various community funds being established to help out all the people who are not only sheltering in place but have also been furloughed from their jobs in myriad small businesses, bars and restaurants. Heaven knows what the federal government will do, but calling Covid-19 'a hoax' was definitely not helpful. We are left scrambling because of his lack of leadership, but local folks seem to be stepping up and trying to fill the void. 

I spent the morning chasing dog hair, but then decided there is more to life than cleaning, even during an epidemic, so I dug around in the cupboard and made cookies with chocolate chips left over from the Christmas cookie extravaganza. It isn't likely that we will (or should) eat four dozen cookies, so I took a tin of them over to Jim and Dana's, put them on the doormat, and rang the doorbell. Blake spotted me and stood looking expectantly out the window as I retreated to my car. I felt bad. Dana said she'd give him a cookie. I said he'd help himself to all of them given half a chance...he might get them all anyway if the Christmas chocolates are too far past their prime.

I may be reduced to publishing pictures of our food by the end of three weeks, but I'll try to be creative....

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