Mapa Scotland.
It is my responsibility as an upright member of the camera club to take the newer, less experienced, members under my wing and show them some of the nuances of the noble art. Recently I have been showing them how to do panoramas and encouraging them to try their hands with a view to entering our end-of-season competition.
It also falls upon me to set an example by producing something to enter myself. Thus it was that I moseyed on down to Eddleston to do so. It was an interesting project involving a lot of shutter operations, a flat battery and cold fingers. For the technically minded, I was on the viewing platform with the camera a mere two metres (in both azimuth and elevation) away from the top of the fence.
I arrived home to a flurry of emails from the club: a discussion on the possible effects of Corvid-19 (I think it’s an updated version of the bird ‘flu from a few years ago) – the outcome of which is that the remainder of the club’s activities for this season (including the panorama competition) have been cancelled.
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