
I have no idea what the future holds and I've still had a good day.

For that I'm thankful.

I slept well last night and today my colleague and I cranked out a draft video. We've included some footage taken by doctors using their cell phones, one located in another country. Cell phones have changed what's possible.

The new normal has extended to the spin room. The bikes are 2m apart and the usual bike hygeine routine at the end of class is now done before and after class. (Some kind of rocket fuel to wipe the seat, handlebars etc).

It was such a good thing to do this evening. Hard exercise with other people, a few laughs, and a massive endorphin hit at the end.

I'm avoiding the supermarket but I'm going to have to brave it tomorrow.

Today's gratitude: For the warmth of the sun and small acts of kindness.

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