
By Appreciation

Time Filler Part One

Peas shoots. Simple and quick to grow. Takes 2-3 weeks:-

1. A plastic takeaway carton or ready meal foil tray, cocktail sticks or straws and clear plastic bag or filing pocket.
2. Fill tray with soil
3. Take a box of dried peas (65p from supermarket) and scatter over soil. The more the merrier. Push peas under soil and water.
4. Place cocktail sticks or straws in corners and put whole tray in platic cover- straws are there to stop bag touching soil.
5. Place on window sill or in warm light spot

When shoots are about 3cms take out of bag. Water again and leave for 2-3 days. Snip off and eat as salad leaves or add to spinach and fry lightly.

Easy for kids to plant and lots to enjoy.

Otherwise a day of tension. Boiler fixed, supplies to the isolation unit and anxious wait to hear if the other 2 have reached the seaside. Not as yet!

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