Along the Byes

Today I headed for a Sidmouth and parked my car so that I could walk along the river Sid, an area known as the Byes. I thought the willow tree looked effective against the tumbling water. I had another successful food shopping expedition so I am now stocked up after being away. I didn’t buy any multiple items of anything and nearly challenged a woman as to why she needed to buy 2 large packs of loo rolls.
I had a phone appointment with my doctor first thing this morning about my coughing which is now into week 10. She thinks I may be asthmatic which is likely as I have had hay fever since I was 11 and has prescribed an inhaler. She also offered me a chest X-ray which I accepted although I expect it will be some time before I have it.
Yesterday I went for a second hearing test and as I was borderline she said it was up to me whether I went for hearing aids. I only originally asked for a hearing test as I have tinnitus in one ear. As it is worse when I am in bed although hearing aids are supposed to help, I wouldn’t be wearing them in bed. It is only the very high pitches that I can’t hear. I have a graph to prove it.
We were going to visit my parents in law next week but they don’t want us to visit on the off chance we may have picked up something nasty at the airport because they realise that if they catch Coronavirus then they won’t have much chance of survival due to their advancing age so we have to respect their decision.
My husband forgot to get a stamp and post his mother’s card for Sunday so I had another walk this afternoon. Over 5 miles walked today and six yesterday.

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