Swan Photo!

Glastonbury may be cancelled, but at least they’ve rolled the tickets on to next year. Wasn’t a bad line up, either. Well, quite a few decent 90s bands which I suppose is the best you can hope for, 80s bands being pish and 60s and 70s bands getting past it. And further devastating news - the Stockbridge Tap, the Bow Bar and Cloisters are all shutting. I just hope they can all survive the layoff. Surely they all had some casks that needed finished off? They should organise a low risk outdoors free beer event. With music. Stand well apart. Bring your own flagon.
It was a fine day so we took ourselves off to the Homebase Garden Centre to pick up a few plants. And seed potatoes which I’ll guard very closely. And then over to the boat for a most enjoyable afternoon of buffing. It’s actually beginning to look so shiny that it will be a shame to put it in the dirty Forth. Oh… 

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