A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Day 6: The Great Escape

Heading for the great escape
Heading for the rave
Heading for the permanent holiday

Heading for the winter trip
Heading for the slide
Heading for the dignified walk away

Heading for the open road
Goodbye to all that
Heading for the automatic overload...

As ever, answers on a postcard...  (Did nobody get The Little River Band on Wednesday?)

As you can see, I escaped from my prison at Viñas and snuck off to Pueblo Nuevo to the the Overseas shop for some essential English supplies, like toothpaste and jelly babies.

I said to the man at the till "You are the first real live human being I have spoken to in the flesh since Sunday."

"Oh", he replied.

When I said, "Quiet roads, quiet shop and I can park right outside, what's not to like?", he didn't say anything at all.

I'm not sure that I have yet had a conversation.

On the way back we stopped at Playa Paraíso and took a stroll along the deserted beach path. We didn't see a soul.

During a Skype conference with the other teachers, I began to feel better, as they struggled to take part for the din of screaming babies, small children demanding attention and older children wanting the computer back.

It's the weekend tomorrow, but I rather doubt we shall notice any difference.

Stay safe one and all.

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