Not done this for years

My wooden Avocet is holding my ring on its beak.  Years ago I used to regularly make bread - not in a bread maker, but from scratch. Before starting I used to hang my ring on the Avocet because otherwise it got all coated with the dough when kneading it. I used to make three loaves at a time - one for me, one for my Mum, and one for someone else or into the freezer. After Mum died I used a bread maker and made just one loaf at a time or bought a fancy loaf. Today I just fancied making bread again; so I dug out Mum's recipe, hung my ring on the Avocet, scrubbed my hands, and got stuck in - lovely! See the 'extra' for the result - three wholemeal, crusty, loaves without holes in the base!
As I am self-isolating I contacted the local group which has sprung up in the village to help with shopping and a lovely young woman went shopping for me - so kind of her!

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