NHS Sunshine!

The Journey by Edwina Bridgeman, Bath RUH

“The sculpture shows a group of people in a huge wooden boat, sailing across the sky and sea, complete with fish and seabirds, and even a ship’s cat. Providing entertainment, as well as being uplifting, the piece is a symbol of hope for visitors, patients and staff to enjoy.”

A final visit to the supermarket this morning as, with all the kerfuffle, I completely forgot to buy any cat food yesterday! (Carrots and onions were the only veg available, crazy!) Then this afternoon it was back to the hospital, where this sculpture does its best to spread a little sunshine in these gloomy times. I’ve never seen the hospital so quiet, it was like a ghost town: empty waiting rooms and corridors, a deserted cafe, and very unusually no problem parking the car. In extras, proof that I do have a heart!

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