
By wvgirl

Flowers to brighten the day

It is always nice to be surprised by a delivery of flowers but sometimes they come because of something not so good happening. On Wednesday David suffered a bad fall in the parking lot at our farm market. He is pretty banged up on this face, right hand and the tips of almost all his fingers. He has small bruises in many places on his body. I cannot post any pictures as he would hate that (Laurie you would could share fall stories with him). So my sister and brother-in-law sent these flowers to cheer him up. I think I will enjoy them more than he will.

He got to ride in an ambulance for the first time in his life and then spent about 3 hours at the hospital. Today he had to get checked out by an orthopedic doc to make sure he did not have a fractured wrist (he didn't--possible sprain). Then we had to go to an oral surgeon to make sure he did not have a jaw fracture ( he did not Thank God). So now he just has to take it easy and Stay Home as the governor has recommended.

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