Abernethy Cottage Life

By Keir


Been needing to get out running more and more but the weather has been against me. Managed a short one on Wednesday and tried for a big one today but the snow is really against you. On Wednesday it was out through the fields but the paths were slushy snow and I came back very muddy and damp.

Today I went up the hill and well into the snow line. Well over a foot up there and it is the nice cold fluffy snow rather than the granular wet stuff we have down in the village. Only issue was going anywhere I normally go as it was just too deep to run in and so I just had to stick to the main roads which some brave soul had driven. So only 15k done which is way short of what I should be doing but I am sure the snow made it more like a 20k as far as exercise is concerned.

It is not going to win any prizes this pic but it does show me and it does show the snow. More of a diary entry than a photo contest.

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