Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

We made silly preparations this morning...

...to support someone local who was running a marathon on her own....

This is her story:
With everything that's happening across the world right now, running 26.2 miles may not seem important .... but I have spent the last six months training for the Manchester Marathon, running over 25 miles every week in the snow, hail, wind and rain .... and now it's cancelled .

I don't run for glory, or for records, I am NOT a natural runner at all. I run because it keeps me healthy, strong, and mentally balanced, things I need to be when I have a child to care for with Type 1 SMA. I run to prove to Molly that the impossible is possible, and that very ordinary people can achieve extraordinary goals. 

Molly is my inspiration. Her unyielding courage powers every step I take

Therefore, rather than letting six months training go to waste, I have decided to run the very first PENISTONE MARATHON (!) on my own, this Saturday, the 21st March, at 10AM
Julian Williams and I have worked out a route which starts at our house, and finishes in Watermeadows Park, Penistone. I am hoping to finish in around 4hours to 4hours30. He is my chief marshal and lucozade giver-outer.

We only found out via our cousins in Darlington, who had friends from Sheffield staying who knew about her challenge - and they thought we might be willing to pop out and cheer her on - so we did!

Hoping she's running for home now;) 

In other news - we have supported our favourite local business by having a takeaway lunch from the farm - they are closed, but providing a phone in and pick up service. About to go for our walk, then a Skype afternoon tea planned - our virtual social life is still expanding ;) 

Take care folks - hope you are all easing into the new reality...

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