In to the unknown... more ways than one!
While MrM went for a dental appointment in Berwick, I collected some leaflets from the Cheviot Centre. Local organisations are working together to support the community through the Covid-19 pandemic, and aim to deliver a leaflet detailing who to contact, to every household in Wooler and the surrounding area. I was given leaflets for dwellings on the High Street and all the little lanes off it. 'It will take you to places you've never been', they said. And it did! Never seen this lovely old building before - it's been converted in to flats.
The rest of the day spent at home. Made two batches of soup to freeze - a good way to use up some veg from the bottom of the fridge. And started a 10-day photo challenge on Facebook. Hoping I can find 10 days worth of vaguely interesting photos of me 'performing' (i.e. Morris dancing) - photos with me on are on other people's cameras!
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