Delicate Beauty.....

I'm quite a few days behind with posting my blips.....

I was greeted with a few more shoppers than usual at the supermarket this morning, as I went to do my dad's food shop for the week. Knowing what would come (and that's exactly what happened), I got him a few long life extras to keep him going if I couldn't get provisions for him. Little did I know how crazy it would be by the weekend, and how selfish some folks are.

I was back at Trentham Gardens for my walk feeling that I needed to keep some perspective and normality to my daily life.

I went and picked up Livvie from the cattery. She seemed to have been fine in new surroundings and with strangers. But the cattery had had 25 cancellations since we dropped her off three days ago.

We managed our last yoga class this evening and again knowing it would be our last for the foreseeable future. It may be time to start doing it at home. But it's the communal aspect that was part of the enjoyment of going to the class.

Who knows where the next few days, weeks, months or longer will take us.......

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