A Riot of Colour

Eldest arrived earlier as he needs to pack up some of his stuff to take back to Wooler...until now he’s only had a weeks worth of clothing at any one time which even for a scruff won’t last 3 months! He came armed with flowers and some crisps and chips from my sisters pub!

Apparently yesterday was World Sparrow Day...hope you gave them some special tweetment!

We’re having a roast chicken dinner tonight...it feels a bit like the last supper not knowing when we’ll be able to get something like a normal shop in again! I’ve got two online slots booked over the next three weeks but at present there isn’t a great deal available to purchase...hopefully that situation will change soon, though I’m not holding my breath.

Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree.
That makes it a plant...so it obviously counts as 1 of your 5!
Anyone got any recipes for leftover chocolate...no...me neither!!
Raw eggs are apparently great for a fitness diet...if you don’t care for the taste just add sugar, butter, flour and cocoa (optional) then bake for 30 minutes.

Don’t worry I’m not coming out of retirement any time soon ;-))

Thanks to admirer for hosting Silly Saturday.

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