TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

The new normality...

A bag for mum - milk, jacket potatoes and large peppers.

A bag for Elizabeth - cereal, a bar of chocolate, mash, green beans, coffee bags and a couple of cakes.

I woke at 2am worrying that because she can barely walk Elizabeth needed something to help fill her time.  So I ended up getting up and sorting out yarn so she could knit another blanket - I yarn funded two previous blankets one went to an MS sufferer who feels the cold in his wheelchair and another to pack out medicines going to Africa (then to be used as a blanket)

She tells me I have to have this one - and actually it will be an interesting reminder of 2020 the year the world imploded.

#2020_78 isolation is hard and the cafes are closed

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