The Saddest Message.

This is the notice outside The George Hotel here in Inveraray:

"That's the show all over for the time being folks.
After 160 years of continuous trading and two world wars the doors are closed. See you at that little bright light at the end of this long, dark tunnel."

This is an awfully sad thing to read and it literally brought tears to my eyes. 

But it also fills me with anger.
The owners of The George, the Clark Family, clearly made a hugely difficult decision (before they were asked by the government) to close their doors, sacrificing their own livelihoods to help fight this virus.

So why is it that literally hundreds of visitors were passing through Inveraray today. Our community is a fragile one and, as far as I know, currently virus free.
We have an elderly population, a few small shops and limited medical facilities yet people have completely ignored the government advice and travelled here and undoing the efforts made by local businesses.
What is wrong with these people?
Do they not realise the sacrifices the rest of us are making?

I am no fan of giving additional powers to the Police and the Army but perhaps that is what we now need.

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