
By tookie

Baker Daffys

Yellow fields of joy
The hug and dance and embrace
Humans elbow bump

We took another ride up through the skagit valley today....Big R and I up front and our trusty woof Cowboy in the second seat....his new seat of choice since he won't go up the ramp lol...We saw balds eagles and hawks, lots o fyellow and white  daffodil fields and lots of old barns is all sorts of shapes.  There was a spectacular snow geese display where they all took off overhead and zigzagged all over....I just watched as my camera wasn't out then.  It was really a sight.  
   The weather is predicted to change tomorrow or Monday so we had to take advantage of the blue sky and sunshine that came out this aftersoon, thus a late start on the ride.  I hope you all are safe and staying away from others ....stay safe my fellow beloved blippers!

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