Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Glad we're still allowed out with the Neds. I'm taking extra precautions at the yard and not standing about chatting. I hacked out on Buddy with Sue and Jenny first thing. The woods were busy with people and dogs. Feels like all the quiet spaces we normally have to ourselves are now invaded by all the people who normally tramp vacantly round the shops every Saturday.

Some idiot mountain bikers swooped from a high bank onto the bridlepath without looking and spooked the horses which caused Sue to jar her back. They didn't apologise and just rode off. They were riding where they not allowed to go. I feel so so fed up with people's selfish attitudes now. And because people are meeting in these spaces in their hoardes, ignoring government advice and standing about in big groups blocking the gateways they've now decided to close all the car parks for the local parks round here. So that's spoilt it for everyone now.

Eva and Tobes had their lessons. Shona is well, they are well. We don't need to get close so I think it's fine. I wonder how long it will be till we're told we can't go to the yard though. I don't want any one else looking after my horses. They keep me sane and I need them more than anything now. Luckily they are in fields separate from the yard so if that was the case then I would bring hay and feed home and not go into the yard at all.

The kids rode brilliantly and Jack was a superstar.

Back at home I had a long conversation with my sister on the phone then we took the dogs out for a walk before dinner. She is going to see mum tomorrow and taking all the kids with her :0(

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