a lifetime burning

By Sheol


The hay fever kicked in properly about 10 days ago.  Fortunately we had a stock of anti-histamine tablets laid in, in readiness.  So once I figured out what it was that was making my nose itch and my eyes run all the time I was able to do something about it.  This happens to me every Spring.  Intellectually I know that once the spring flowers start to bloom it won't be long, but somehow the arrival of the hay fever takes me by surprise and it takes me a day or so to catch on to what it happening to me.  Every year.  Clearly I don't learn from experience!

This is a shot of a honey bee visiting the other flowering cherry in the garden.  The dwarf cherry has, until recently, been hidden by a dwarf cedar and an overgrown privet.  Cathy has taken out the cedar that had got too big for its boots and pruned the privet and the end result is that we can finally see the cherry properly.  From the evidence of this year's blossom it very much appreciates the change in its environment. 

Today's classic album: Led Zeppelin 1

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