Celebration of Spring

A local walk up the valley from home but we could hear the non stop traffic on the Whitby road. Hope they were being sensible if they were heading for the coast. According to the news safe distancing was not been observed on the beaches and residents were resentful of being put at risk.

We on the other hand met only a handful of people and enjoyed a lovely spring day. Caught this Great Tit in the blossom and knew it was a keeper. However did spot the two male pheasants having a barney further along which provided a bit of entertainment.

Matthew popped by with gifts and a card although two loo rolls and a pack of tissues were added....just for fun. Mary his fiancé was making use of the early opening of Tesco for NHS staff. Hopefully it was not too manic! The hardest part is not having a hug or being able to share family time.

Hope you have a lovely day and have found a way to be in touch with the family.

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