
Another walk  this time  up Beinn an Tuirc.  Saw this big Tonka that was scrapping along the road, he struggled a bit to get up the steep hill.(so did I)
All I'm seeing is camper vans ! Some imbecile writing for the Daily Fail, suggested people head for the Highlands, Cornwall and Wales! What the heck do they think they are doing!!! The place here is now space city with camper vans. Look at Glencoe! These brainless idiots if they want to die a lingering death, fine! but do it in your own home, don't come here and raid our shops, put a strain on our roads, (half of them cannot drive our narrow roads) 
Seriously, Im sick of the governments telling the olds to stay at home, NO! tell the stupid 30/40 & 50 plus clowns that can't manage to stay indoors to not come out and spread this bat infested virus to all and sundry. Govs need to target these stupids The other thing I'm scunnered hearing is references to the war, the battle, the enemy. Get a grip this isn't a war with solders and weaponry! You can't see this enemy! It's not human and it can go anywhere and everywhere! 
Get a grip! For all our sakes!
Stay safe all.

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