
By BlipCommunity

Blippers will still be Blipping!

Across the world, many of us have been forced to change our lifestyles, at least for the immediate future, in order to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Whilst altering the way we go about our day to protect ourselves and those around us, we know one thing will definitely not change:

Blippers will still be Blipping!

As we have said many times before, our community is a resourceful one and we know that even something that is seemingly as big as COVID-19 will not stop us uploading our daily photo, checking in with our fellow Blippers (virtually of course) and sticking together through the good times and the bad times. 

We already have community members who Blip within their own homes or gardens but there are many who may find it difficult to get their daily photo when the options seem so limited. We’ve put together a list of fun things you can try at home without the need for specialist equipment.

So here it is! The Blipfoto Guide To Surviving Self-Isolation:

View from your window

You see the same view every single day as you open your curtains.

You may look out over rolling hills, a quiet suburban street, backyard or even a whole city.

It may look dull and boring to you but for the rest of us, it will be fascinating. Why not Blip your view at different times of the day or perhaps the same time every day for a week? 

Still Life

It’s so easy to set up a home photography studio.  No, we don’t mean go online and order the latest lighting kit.

Set up your studio on your kitchen table using natural light from a window and a simple backdrop such as a plain wall or sheet of paper.

Black velvet makes a perfect backdrop as it will absorb light rather than reflect it.

If you want to control your  lighting, close the curtains and use some lamps or the torch on your mobile phone.  Move things around and change the angle of the lighting to achieve more dramatic results.

There are obvious subjects such as fruit and flowers but why not try jewellery, an old pair of shoes, toolkit or pencils? 

Macro Photography 

If you haven’t tried macro photography, you really should!

There’s a whole world of tiny details that even seasoned photographers fail to notice. Insects, petals, the pattern on your wallpaper, water droplets or a stamp collection. You could even use your home photography studio you made for still life.

Food Photography

Okay, this one may sound a bit desperate, but food photography is great fun.
Whether it’s beans on toast or a three course dinner you can create some fantastic images. Add some props such as cutlery or condiments to the photo too. 

If you need some inspiration, check out the websites of some of the online food retailers. Their food photography is stunning. You can order your groceries at the same time!

Family Pets

So many Blippers photograph their pets, from dogs and cats through to the more unusual family friends such as bearded dragons, fish and geckos.
We’d love to see your pets  - and make sure you tell us a bit about them in your journal. Every pet has a story to tell.


There are many possibilities here. Your curtains, a cheese grater, the patterns in a piece of clothing, earrings or medals.

Why not ask your followers to guess what you have photographed and reveal the answer the following day?

Self Portraits

Not everyone likes to see themselves in a photograph, especially photographers it seems, but why not try a few selfies? Have some fun. Wear that ridiculous hat that sits at the back of the top shelf in your wardrobe.
If you live alone and have a tripod, set it up and use the ten second timer so that you can position yourself in time.  

We promise to laugh with you and not at you!

Family Portraits

If you are self-isolating with your family, they may be willing to help you with a bit of modelling. Use natural light from the window to light their faces or maybe try a silhouette.

Just remember to agree the modelling fee before the shoot and not afterwards!

Learn a new skill

If you have any spare time after trying all these projects, why not listen to a photography podcast, brush up on your image editing skills or take an online course. There are thousands of online videos and tutorials to help you and the vast majority of them are entirely free. 

And remember, if you want to chat, there are plenty of Blippers who will be feeling just the same so instead of just looking at the journals you follow why not check out the “recent” or “new Blippers” pages on the website.

If you try any of the ideas above and would like to share them, please use the #BCTogether hashtag (for Blip Community Together). And, if you’d be happy for us to share your images and ideas on social media, you can also add the tag #OK2share.

If you have any more ideas or tips please add them to the comments below. 

Look after yourselves. Stay safe and keep on Blipping!

Backyard Blip: If these boots could talk!

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