socially distanced Mom

Ant’s Mom and Dad were kept at a safe distance for this photo which we took for posterity. Someone needed to get a pic of Nanny’s new dress! Very nice too.

We delivered afternoon tea and then shared it via group FaceTime - completely ridiculous really but it was nice to be with all of Antony’s family. Even if Eve was determined to drive me insane by continuously saying “KERFLOOEY!” - which means absolutely nothing. She’s mad as a box of frogs.

Hearing of so many people missing their Mums today is really sad. I much prefer when I’m in the minority and others get to give their Mums a big fat hug.


1. My Mum who blessed me so much and whose company I crave;
2. Ant’s Mom who blesses us so much - and thanks to corona we crave her company too;
3. My beautiful children, even when they keep shouting “kerflooey”;
4. Church via livestream.

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