Mundane things
The last few days the weather has been wonderful and I've been out and about, as my blips showed. Sometimes I finish my journal with the words; "We do live in a lovely place." and I am aware of, and grateful for, the truth of that statement.
But like many people I tend to take pictures of the lovely moments so my blip life, while not a false view, is not entirely a balanced view either.
So this picture is here today to represent the more banal, more humdrum, side of life. It's the recycling basket from the kitchen, and it's on the way around our house, to the cellar. The aluminium tins and plastic bottles will be returned for the deposit on them, other plastic containers and glass jars will be reused in other ways. So, cheers for the more routine parts of life.
My 2 weeks of quarantine is over and I'm still healthy. It's the first time I've really been out since returning from northern Italy. Soon we will be on our way into town for a G&T evening at home with 3 friends. Who knows when we can next meet up? (In our very large county there is 1 person in hospital with Corvid 19 so we are in very early days up here.)
(Backblip from yesterday, click forward for today's blip.)
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