
By Cumbrialass

Sunny Sunday A break from the gloom

The weather has been lovely today. It really did feel that Spring was almost here.  

We decided not to get the car out. We live on the edge of town and the path to the seawall and on alongside the marsh starts just 3 minutes from home.  

It's been quiet along there recently and we had the path to ourselves at first..  but there were surprisingly quite a few people as our walk progressed. Groups of 2 and three and several cyclists.
 I suppose people were taking advantage of the weather " while we can"  Its  been quite a year so far.. we all needed today's beautiful weather.
 We stood well back to keep at least 2 metres away from them as a precaution.  Most people were strolling along as  normal. 
Well have to think of somewhere quieter to walk tomorrow.

Back home I got out the camera to try some macro photography for the Canon Users group. I've macro settings on my lens and on the camera but they're only basic. Still it was  nice pottering around the garden with the tripod trying what worked ..and what didnt!

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