View from the comfy seats
Up pretty early (for a Sunday) to give the grumpy hens their porridge and let them out. Then lots of tea and a long lie down on the terrace to allow my body to recover a little more from last night’s excesses. Nice view though.
Then a day of weeding, as it becomes increasingly clear that we might want to start feeding ourselves! The veg garden is looking less like a meadow than this morning. The hens have had another firm talking to about the eggs/poule au pot choice, and we’re going to up their rations to two lots of porridge (their normal food softened in hot water with some oats added) a day.
Meanwhile Mr B finished sorting out the disgraceful heap of gardening stuff behind the shed, CarbBoy played GTA in a tux, and TallGirl produced some quite astonishingly good artwork.
I’d quite forgotten yesterday to note down that I cut CarbBoy’s hair with the new clippers. He seems reasonably content with the results. I guess we will all need to learn new skills for the next wee while.
Later, dinner, physics chat and some chemistry chat about tartaric acid that I could actually contribute to (thanks to being the house baker). And a quick chat with my Mam. Tomorrow I hope (for the sake of my clients’ businesses) that a wall of work hits.
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