Allotment grass cutting

I went out first thing to get a few bits from the shops, it was quite busy and they had most of the stuff I wanted.  I used most of what I purchased to make up a box to send to my mum and stepfather.  Seems my older brother had the same idea but he drove up to theirs with shopping and left it outside.  It must have been over 150 miles each way for him.
My mum was able to get out this morning and walked to the shops, she said she enjoyed the walk but it is a long way at about 3 miles. She got a lift home so that was good.  She now has enough food for several weeks.
In the afternoon we went to the allotment, I put a net over my plum tree to try and stop the birds ripping the leaves.  The tree was a bit big for the net frame so we had to make some adjustments.  Rich cut the grass so it looks nice and tidy.

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