Derelict Sunday: Fenwick Pit Winding House
I've referred quite a lot recently to my Mum-in-Law, and her funeral last Tuesday.
Well, this morning my Editor and I went to Earsdon Cemetery to put flowers on my Mum's woodland grave at the cemetery there (my Mum died suddenly of a massive stroke almost 11 years ago, aged 87).
On the way back we drove past the site of the old Fenwick Pit (part of East Holywell Colliery). There used to be lots of old buildings there, but the only remaining one now is the old winding house seen in the photo.
Researching historical details has been tricky but I've found the following, which I believe is probably true:
"Originally named East Holywell Colliery, the pit opened in 1872 utilising one shaft (later renamed the 'Old Shaft') sunk to a depth of 569ft to the Low Main seam, until 2 years later when the Fenwick Pit shaft was sunk 10 yards to the south. The 'Old Shaft' closed in 1930 during disputes, allowing the Fenwick Pit to be used as both an up and downcast shaft. The colliery eventually closed in 1973 after exhausting the Main Coal, Top Busty, Bensham, Beaumont and Yard seams."
Clearly the winding house wasn't original as the date on the building is 1946. Apparently the rest of the site has been cleared with the intention to build houses there and although it currently looks pretty derelict the plans include renovating the winding house as part of the housing complex. However the plans go back 4 years so I don't know when/if it will ever happen!
The site looked a bit different in its mining heyday, on this photo I found on flickr.!
Many thanks to our Derelict Sunday host, Marlieske.
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