Carolina's journal

By Carolina


We went to the hardware store and you would have thought there was a convention!  We bought one item but did a lot of looking and discussing as we are working on trying to forestall some erosion on right side of our house ( I will blip later when it's actually done).  Joe decided what was staying and what was going so some that I did yesterday was dismantled.  Oh, well.  As long as it looks fairly decent and works to keep the dirt from eroding down into the neighbor's yard is a good thing.
   I think the rain is finally coming in so we were glad we got so much yard work done. 
    As you can see when we turned into our neighborhood the kids had been out with the chalk!!!  After we were done in the yard i walked back and took a few pictures which I thought might work alright for Silly Saturday - though It is Sunday!  Oh, well. I might be too late for the challenge.     Have a great rest of the day! 

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