Red sky in the morning.....

I was almost late for work as I had to stop and blip the sunrise this morning. It was such a novelty to see the sun! I wished I could have lingered a few minutes longer but daren't.

Busy day to what seems like a long week, even though it was shorter than usual because of the snowy day on Monday. I spent loads of time today trying to get in touch with Louis as he had to be up to let the door men in to fit the new front door. All calls to mobile and landline fell on deaf ears - however he did admit to getting a wrong number this morning! So he can hear the phone for that but not for his mum - huh! Door fitted and looks great - hopefully warmer than the old. Small problem the letter box is in the wrong place! We will have to decide if we can live with it and save the discount or get a new door.

Happy weekend blippers!

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