Mono Monday . . . Manmade.
What a day. We are at stage 3 and going to stage 4 in 48 hours. Our ferry crossing is booked for tomorrow and by tomorrow evening we will be safely at home. Then it is four weeks in isolation. Our whole country is doing this. Today was the last day for schools, daycares and universities to operate. My daughter's firm are looking at how they organise 180 staff to work from home. My son is not essential and has handed his laptop in and will be at home but still paid thank goodness. We are fortunate and I am grateful.
My blip is a seat made from a piece of totara found on our friends farm. It is placed at a site overlooking a pond on the farm. Our friends ashes are in a camp oven/Dutch oven within a fence also made of totara. We went with his widow and sat their and had a wine and thought of him, shared, stories, laughed and cried. Fantails were flitting through the trees. Two black swans were gliding across the pond. The extra is the forester sitting as he once would have with his friend out in the bush somewhere. To quote Jackson Browne:
So as we stare into the abyss holding each others hands . . . but only if we are self isolating with them, I wish you the best.
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