Sul y Mamau

Sul y Mamau ~ Mothering Sunday

So if your life still feels entirely normal, ask yourself if you are doing the right things.” --Nicola Sturgeon, 2020-03-22

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Treulion ni Sul y Mamau mewn fasiwn normal ac annormal.

Annormal' oedd y galwadau fideo gyda theulu - yn y bore i weld yr wyrion ac yn y nos i siarad a chwarae gemau. Roedd hi'n profiad rhyfedd ond roedd hi'n dda i weld y teulu.

'Normal' oedd symud soffa i fyny'r ardd i'r 'Cwtsh' - ei orffwysfan olaf.  Roedd y soffa yn drwm iawn, rhy drwm i ni gario fe, felly gwnaethon ni rolio fe 'pen dros ben' i fyny'r ardd.  Doedd e ddim yn rhy anodd a nawr rydyn ni'n cael sedd gyfforddus yn yr ardd.  Roedd e'n rhywbeth rhyfedd i wneud, efallai, ond pethau fel hyn yn normal i ni.

Dwedodd Richard "sut y byddwn ni'n gwybod pan fyddan nhw'n senile...".

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We spent Mother's Day in normal and abnormal fashion.

The video calls with family were abnormal '- in the morning to see the grandchildren and at night to talk and play games. It was a strange experience but it was good to see the family.

'Normal' was to move a sofa up the garden to the 'Cwtch' - its final resting place. The sofa was very heavy, too heavy for us to carry, so we rolled it 'end over end' up the garden. It wasn't too difficult and now we have a comfortable seat in the garden. It was a  strange thing to do, perhaps, but things like this are normal for us.

Richard said "how will we know when they are senile ...".

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