
Another glorious day, but with a cold northeast wind. And after a ridiculous amount of time faffing about I made it over to the boatyard on MrB. They’ve closed the Bell Block, so no using the kitchen facilities any more. Thankfully the yard is still open; just need to try and stop Mainwaring from closing it under the guise of  ’something must be done’. Only young K and Bob there, as most days. Everybody else is staying home. K’s on the neighbouring boat so we shout across to each other. And Paul T appeared to shout up at us both. 
Given that this inevitably is going to turn into a covid19 diary, the number of people who have died in the UK with coronavirus rose to 281, and cases reached 5,683. In Scotland there are now ten dead. I’m worried for my pal Paulie who’s in RIE with a skin infection requiring IV antibiotics. He’s not the healthiest and had a major scare with swine flu. He did have ten years to get an effin grip on his lifestyle and lose a few stone. And didn’t. 
Big news is do we or don’t we go for a lockdown which means that you only go out to work (if essential) or shop for food. Otherwise the polis will chase you. Plenty voices calling for it (I wonder how many of them are cooped up in flats with their brats), as there have been masses of photos of crowds out walking, enjoying the sunshine and not at all keeping their recommended 2 metres apart. It obviously goes against Johnson’s instincts to impose lockdown, which should be instructive to those who persist in labelling him a fascist dictator when it’s always been clear he’s a social liberal. Now me, I’m socially liberal when it comes to myself. Most of the rest of you, I’d happily confine to quarters. And will do if youse don’t mend your ways.

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