Pony club

Monday has become Pony Club at the yard. Isla has been coming and helping me get both horses worked at same time. Today, her daughter Jess came too (social distancing observed at all times) and I thought it'd be good for Jeeps to have a lighter rider on board. Cold and windy but lovely to see the smile on Jess' face. This may have been the last Pony Club for a while depending on what the gubbermint decide going forward.

This afternoon I return to work. Its one thing going out to do horses and bring able to keep a distance from others... But today I have no choice but to be in a car with someone, provide personal care and be in their house where other carers come and go also. I feel a bit vulnerable and very concerned for where this virus will take us. 

It is looking likely that Gorgeous will have to stop working. Very worrying times. 

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