Trying to stay positive.

Day started with Eva puking all over her bed and carpet. She has perked up a bit now.

We're attempting to get into a new routine as looks like this will be our new normal for the foreseeable. We did the Joe Wicks pe session at 9am, which we all really enjoyed. Not quite room for the 3 of us to do mountain climbers in the living room! Then the kids logged on to the school website and did their set work for the day. I am helped Eva a bit with hers before going to work for a few hours.

I managed to walk the dogs in compete isolation. Didn't see a soul! Any customers that were home I kept my distance from and avoided going into houses if possible. And I sprayed everything I touched with disinfectant before and after. One of the customers gave me a bottle of alcohol hand gel which is like gold dust at the mo. Makes my hands sting but glad to have it as the other stuff I have is running out. I've had a couple more cancellations today for rest of week. We're probably down to about 60% full which isn't bad I suppose given the circumstances. I think the decision is going to be taken out of my hands soon. I am walking dogs for key workers though so wonder if I will be able to carry that on?

Tobes asked to ride tonight but Eva didn't feel up to it. We had a nice sunset hack.

Waiting for Boris' announcement ...

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