Rodents rule

By squirk

Mystery solved

That's why nothing grows in that pot for long. Ah well.

So the lockdown is here. I'm not surprised with the carrying on of folk over the last week or so. It still doesn't give a resolution for people like my brother who works in the building industry – many building sites are still operational but this isn't 'safe' in terms of the virus. So, still mixed messages. I feel for him. He, himself, is working from home but clients are still expecting him to send workers into the sites.

I'm having various IT issues with my work computer, but it's not a massive pain. I can use my personal computer for now. I had a video call with the team I'm working with in Delhi, all of us in our homes. I could hear the birds in Delhi. The team there said the wildlife is returning and they can see the stars for the first time in years because the pollution is much less. Silver linings.

It was lovely to chat with family in Inverness and also have a virtual tea-break with a friend who's not too far away. He's going to drop off some seeds to me by my door sometime soon. An excuse for a walk around the block.

Juno and I spent lunchtime on the rug in the garden, playing string and enjoying the sunshine. 

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