
By Blackbored

Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie

...and we saw lots of beasties today on our hike. Tenuous link, I know. But actually it is rather topical (stick with me reader)...today we took a trip out of the UAE, to a little oasis village called Khutwa, where the clever villagers of old built a hugely impressive irrigation system (Falaj) that forces the water up from underground then channels it all the way down into the village, dispersing it through all the locals gardens. The result of which is fertile land and subsequent abundance of greenery. Something that is sadly lacking here in the sandpit. It's amazing to see. And of course, with water and lush vegetation, comes lots of little bugs that we don't get in Dubai. Like dragonflies. Bright red ones, no less. Very impressive.

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