Birthday celebrations

Got to celebrate my birthday just in time. Thanks to Covert-19, all restaurants closed to public from tomorrow. Only takeaways deliveries available

Corona virus Update
Bahrain has recorded it's first Covert-19 death
Six new active cases and one more critical 
Bahrain has 58 active cases,  critical and 57 stable.  1 death.   85 confirmed cases as part of repatriation program.  11988 have tested negative and 77 have been discharged,  This brings the total number of cases to 143. Total tests done - 12 131
Gulf Air flights that will continue to operate to and from Bahrain International Airport are Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Muscat, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Istanbul, Cairo, Mumbai, Delhi, Cochin, Karachi and Manila; all flights to other destinations have been suspended temporarily.

France struggling to curb rate of coronavirus pandemic.  Recording 127 deaths and over 5,400 infections
Italy's numbers -  24,747 cases and 1,809 deaths
Paris to close city parks to reduce coronavirus infection risk
Italy urges Uefa to postpone Euro 2020
OLYMPIC CRISIS: Torch handover to be held in empty stadium

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