Food delivery!
Today was the first day of lockdown after Boris Johnson's speech last night.
F and I don't live together but have been in isolation for a week staying away from all contact with other people except each other. We'd like to keep our separate houses for various reasons but I think that our situation is a grey area.
We went shopping before locking down but were grateful when F's daughter and son in law offered to do a food shop for us as fresh fruit and veg are the first things to run out. They made a 50 mile trip each way which was very kind. She even brought me a box of chocolates - what a lovely girl!
They came this morning and entered through F's garage then sat at the far end of the garden from us just in case. They even brought their own sandwiches and flask instead of using F's.
While sitting in the garden I saw my first butterfly of the year ( a tortoishell) and a number of hoverflies too - lovely signs that spring is here.
When they'd gone we went for a walk around the Racecourse and lanes, only passing one lady with her dog.
As we're allowed to go out for food shopping and one lot of exercise a day so we're hoping that we're within the rules at the moment. We may have to review things as time goes on.
My neighbour has to go out to work and has been given a permit to drive in case the police stop her. Scary times!
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