For the last three days we've been self-isolating. The only time Ann has gone out is to take me for my walks.

Now that we're in 'proper lock-down'; psychologically Ann feels different. She no longer has a choice and doesn't have the option to go and see her friends so she's feeling a bit weird.  She says after 3 weeks I'm going to have the bestest collie pup vocabularly ever, because the only person she'll be able to talk to in real life is me.

You'll all be glad to know that she does still have the option to RANT from the safety of her own home. And we know how you all love our RANTS.  Lol!!...............................

Yesterday we reported that I'd been to the 'Hermitage of Braid' for my walk and we were very pleased to see that there were only other lone dog walkers there.

…...........What a difference a day makes. Went back there this afternoon and it was like the whole of Edinburgh has decided to take up jogging and go out for their one bit of exercise a day. And there were families of 4-5 walking the dog. And quite a few older people having a walk. OK............ so Borris said that we could go out for one bit of exercise a day. Personally Ann thinks that was a bit of a rash statement because people have interpreted that, as they must go out?! I'm sure there were people in the Hermitage who would never normally go out jogging or even walking. Why can't they just STAY AT HOME. You can exercise at home. That's what Ann is doing. (YouTube is full of jogging/walking/every type of exercise imaginable free classes.) The next thing that's going to happen, is all the parks and public open spaces are going to be closed. Ann's bestie (who owns an apartment in Spain) says this has happened over there. People are still allowed to go out to walk their dog but only one person. And lets face it.......................... that's quite sensible. On this path we actually passed three families of four people or more. And no, Ann didn't stop to talk to them but the path wasn't wide enough to be more than 2 metres away for the few secs that it took us to pass by them. Oh and there were also at least two groups of 5-6 teenagers just faffing around as well.

We live in a 4th floor flat. We don't have a garden. So as far as Ann is concerned taking me out is 'essential'. But is it really, if humans lives are at risk? I'm a collie pup. I don't understand all this Coronavirus stuff. All I know is that Ann has been around a lot more than normal and I haven't been left 'home alone' since last Friday. Ann worries that when this is all over I won't want to stay 'home alone' and she'll have to start my training all over again. Not really a huge problem in the big scheme of things but it is something that worries Ann.

Oh and the other thing that is worrying her at the moment (& she can't find an answer on Google)........................... Because I'm the friendliest little collie pup in the world, loads of people want to stroke me and make a fuss of me. Does anyone know how long the Coronavirus will last on my fur? Ann only thought of that today? Strangers are constantly touching me when we're out. And Ann obviously cuddles me loads.

We know we are lucky. Ann now has NO income coming in because her work as a 'Meet & Greeter' has stopped and obviously renting out our house in Cornwall is now not happening. Compared to so many people who were already living 'hand to mouth' and don't even have the money to buy a toilet roll, our life is a luxury.

It's very difficult to know what to do...................

…..............A lot of the supermarkets seem to be taking on extra staff immediately for a 13 week contract. Ann wondered about doing that (because it would solve my 'home alone' problem & also give her a bit of money), BUT, if she did, would she be taking work away from the people who are actually struggling a lot more than what we ever will???

To be honest we were planning to go down to Cornwall for the whole of April anyway so wouldn't have had any income for that month so I'm guessing we'll just take a deep breathe and remember................................


Stay safe & well Blippers. Xxxxxx

PS – Told you our BLIPS were going to be epic. #Creatingsocialhistory

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