hello again

By admirer


As soon as I had filled the bird bath this little Chaffinch came, and stepped in it and stayed there for a while whitout moving.
But when I had thrown the seeds he/she came out and started eating, letting me surprisingly close.
The weather was gorgeous again but a bit cold.
I continued with clearing and the more I achieve the better it goes.
I have to keep my goal before me.
I did not come upon big surprises. 
In the afternoon I sat at the balcony, out of the wind, reading again some pages. 
News another subject, but by little doses. 
I wrote an e-mail to a friend who loves to travel in her home mobile through Europe and also beyond, but her next trip in April which she had planned will surely not take place, and it is unsure when it will be possible again.

I will give my first silly hearts tonight to Doyley22, Stiffknees, AMS1, PicturePoems and cabbagetree.

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