24032020 11th Corona isolation day
It's been raining all day long. Non stop. And it's so cold.
I just talked with a friend and she told that she doesn't have any pellets left for heating and can't get new shipment under the current situation. Our heating runs with electricity so luckily we are not in the same situation.
Today I've been doing pretty much what I did yesterday. We all have. Life gets pretty predictable when you are inside the house all the time.
Hopefully tomorrow will be non-rainy day and I can do some laundry and clean the house. Well I cleaned upstairs already, but as the dogs come in to downstairs that's the area that needs lots of care taking after rainy days.
Coronavirus numbers in Spain are horrendous.
- 5400 positives for healthcare workers
- 514 deaths today (an ice rink has been converted into a morgue in Madrid to make room to all the corps)
- most of the new positives are in Madrid and Catalonia
- 39 673 positives in Spain
These numbers at noon. 20th of March we got to 20 000 and now 4 days later we are at 40 000. These numbers go at speed that I can't comprehend.
Gosh I hope the sun will show itself tomorrow!
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