
By astudyinscarlet

quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

well, i do, along with K on a cheapy orange wednesday ticket! it drags a bit and is overly faithful in its verbiage v fighting ratio (and the soundtrack is annoyingly and hilariously - intentionally? not sure - clunky in parts), but it's not bad, not too confusing for the uninitiated, has the greatest credit sequence and is the best alan moore adaptation so far, imho. ('scuse the rubbish snap, but i'm kinda tired!)

it was nice to be in a cinema without hoardes of 10-year-olds; i'd forgotten what watching a grown-up movie surrounded by grown-ups was like - pester power being what it is, so many films cater to a 12a market when they should be brave enough to take it to 15 or above ('the dark knight', i'm looking at you). tho i'm no expert, i'd say a few edits of the blood and guts and 'watchmen' would sailed through for a 15 (tho they'd all be bored by it, people talk more than they hit each other).

oh yeah, got my u2 tix... yippee!

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