Temporary Stop
I actually took this picture a couple of days ago but I’ve edited it today so I hope it falls within the Blip rules... It seemed appropriate for this first day of lockdown.
I hope the stop WILL only be temporary but I doubt very much that it’ll only be for the 3 weeks that were announced last night in the first instance. I’m afraid we have a very long, very rocky road ahead of us.
From what I could see locally when I went for my daily walk, it was quieter on the streets than it has been. But, nevertheless, I saw the people who live opposite me letting someone into their house and then one of them coming back outside with him and standing WAY too close as they chatted. I wonder whether people have any concept of what 2 metres/6 feet looks like. Maybe the instructions would be observed more if people could picture the distance more effectively. I did see one BBC video which suggested it was roughly the length of a broom handle at the end of an outstretched arm - which makes good visual sense to me. Pictures of crowded tube trains in London today really scared me. The messaging just isn’t clear enough.
On the plus side, my ‘remote desktop’ is now working after a week of frustration, thanks to my colleague Natalie www.blipfoto.com/entry/2652458615473964139 who worked out what to do on a Mac (which we both have; everyone else has PCs) and made a little instructional video which she sent me!
I also had my first team meeting via Zoom, with Nat, Steph, Inez and Laura, and it was lovely to see them all!
On the less positive front, I’m still very concerned, amongst other things, about the lack of financial protection for self-employed people and contractors, and about the reduction in legislative protection for disabled and vulnerable adults and children in terms of mental health and special needs provision.
The song that’s been going round in my head today is ‘Don’t Give Up’ by Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjEq-r2agqc
I dedicate it to all of you. Stay safe and well everyone. Xx
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